The greatest allergist known to the world lived 2,000 years before Christ. He was called Mithridates, a Greek king. When he was 10 years old, he discovered that taking tiny and increased doses of 2 poisons used to kill the kings, cicuta and arsenic which were put into the wine - he would become immune. I don't know how he discovered this. I know that his pleasure was always to have a wine taster that had to drink the wine. When the wine taster dropped dead, instantly killed by a sip, he would take the rest of the wine in the glass and he was considered by the people as having divine powers. He discovered that the poison itself created the defence against the poison. He took it in increasing doses and this is the principle of the vaccine.
When the antiophidic serum is made, which later on can save us from snakebites, increasing doses of poison are injected into a horse, until it can cope with a dose that would kill the horse if it were the first time dose. Blood is taken from this horse, the serum (the white part) is separated and the red part (from the globules) is discarded. The white part is the antiophidic serum. But the one who discovered all this was King Mithridates, 2000 years BC.
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