Pollution is simply an unused resource
Plants can filter silted waters. They trap the minerals,
and readily absorb them and converting them into food or
other useful plant products such as fibre or bio-chemicals.
Plants breathe in co2 and breathe out oxygen. People
breathe out co2 and breathe in Oxygen
Slugs and Snails are not pests if they are used as food
for other animals. A duck eats slugs and other pests and
provides natural fertilizer, eggs and meat.
Sewerage (Animal and Human) is not pollution if it is
processed and used as fertilizer. There are international
systems sewerage treatment systems that make agriculturalgrade
Recycled water can be used by large industry such as
Steel and Pewter manufacture.
Organic waste from farming such as sugar cane, padi,
coconut, rubber and oil palm [Daud 1998] can be recycled
even as material for Bio-gas plants which are being in installed
in city waste management plants world-wide.
Metal and Wood can be re-used or reycled.
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